Rabu, 23 Januari 2019

PDF Download Silent Spring

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Silent Spring

Silent Spring

Silent Spring

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Silent Spring

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 10 hours and 36 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Recorded Books

Audible.com Release Date: January 26, 2007

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Dramatic title to the review - huh? But it is true. Thanks to Carson's ability to paint a picture of dying birds and mutating children with the ink of lies and now-discredited studies, probably more people have died of malaria than Hitler killed in WW2. DDT will never be available again thanks to the slander it received here in this book, and malaria is again able to kill tens of thousands of people each year in undeveloped countries.West nile virus? Probably wouldn't be here if we had DDT.Here's the deal, if you read this book and you already think DDT is bad, you'll agree with this book. If you have an open mind (and who really does anymore?) and read this book, and fact-check the book, you'll find that Rachel Carson committed a crime against humanity.

Silent Spring is as relevant today as it was 50 years ago. Our ground, our air, our food and we are bombarded with chemicals, carcinogens, products of all sorts to kill weeds and bugs and are capable of killing us. Rachel Carson, a biologist and talented writer, walks us through a litany of misuse and overuse of chemicals that have never been tested for safety to humans. Laws are on the books requiring this testing to be done, but it is disregarded because they make our grass greener, our bugs keel over dead and a lot of people rich. Carson is known best for revealing the reason that Bald Eagle eggs had such thin shells that they broke well before the required incubation before hatching. The drastic reduction is successful Eagle births was DDT. Because this is our national bird and is supported by activists in and out of government, DDT was banned and the eagles began producing young again. We have not been so lucky. This book is factual in a clear and understandable way, and it informs us of the human actions and choices that put us all at risk. No alarmist language is employed, but facts lead us to conclusions that are concerning. The stunning fact to me is that the book was written fifty years ago, and the same risks to humanity and our future are being taken today when we could find better ways of solving problems, more cautious ways of using chemicals and restricting their use in sensible ways. As I talk to people about the issues raised in this book, they have not heard of Rachel Carson and have heard nothing of the assured negative effects on our own health from the chemicals we expose ourselves to daily. We knew so much back then when Carson wrote this book. Why hasn't more been researched and shared with us, so we can have current knowledge of the facts and risks. It is important that Carson's writing not be buried on a dusty shelf. It is a real mystery story and we are the cast.

I have not read "The Sea Around Us" and "Silent Spring" for many years but now and then I browse through them when I need to read about the thinking of the time and the beauty of the prose. This purchase was made to be sent to my granddaughter who should have them when she is old enough to understand them and learn from them, and of course, to enjoy prose written with love. The Carson bio I have not read at all. It was bought specifically as part of my gift. The first time I read "The Sea Around Us" I was mesmerized and so spellbound I couldn't put it down until I finished it. Every time I go back to it the result is more or less the same. "Silent Spring" is a little more technical in its scientific, scary message to all of us. I am an 84-year-old man who may not be here much longer and if I can leave something for my grandkids to remember me by I can see clearly it must be the treasures written by romantics like me and bound between two covers or however the future dictates.

I grew up as a farm girl fully exposed to the new poisons in home and field . I farmed for 35 years before understanding environmental crime and converting my gardening practices. Only now, thanks to Rachael do I know the extent of chemical damage and it's extensive impact. She has instilled a constructive fear in me to continue a conversion of thought and practice.

It's a good quick read. I wouldn't recommend it for anyone younger then 16. Carson was a great author and could reach most educated people. That said much of the content is well above the general populus knowledge level. The sales pitch of it being a novel was completely inaccurate. Most people won't understand the chemistry although she does a fair job tracing many of the common pollutants like DDT through the major environmental mediums. While the book is great for historical context, I think everyone interested in Preservation, Conservation, or Environmentalism should read this.

Rachel Carson started an environmental awareness revolution with this book in 1962. She shed light on the harm of pesticides and other commonly used chemicals on animal species and the environment. She faced harsh criticism from the establishment but the evidence presented in this book and her testimony in front of congress lead towards a ban of DDT use in most of the Western world and lead to the creation of the environmental protection agency.Today we take for granted the knowledge that pesticides and chemicals can be harmful to our health, but this was not always the case. During the first half of the 20th century chemicals were highly regarded and allowed for mass food production, efficiency in industry, and decreased cost of production. Chemical were modern and the future. Rachel Carson sounded the alarm of the harms of chemicals and stood up for what we take for granted today. This is where modern day environmental awareness began.

This book is only interesting for people who are into science. I had to read this book for Bio AP and honestly it was boring, but that's my own opinion. The package came fine and the book was not damaged, so not much to complain about there. But this book is just repetitive rants about pesticides, I definitely would not recommend if this is not for a project or some educational purposes.

I always meant to read this in college. Scarier now than ever. The chemical industry will be the death of the planet someday!

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Senin, 14 Januari 2019

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Jumat, 04 Januari 2019

Ebook Download Oxford A-Z of Grammar and PunctuationBy John Seely

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Oxford A-Z of Grammar and PunctuationBy John Seely

Readers of all levels will find this guide essential. Giving examples of real usage, this book provides the basic information about grammar and punctuation that people need on a day-to-day basis. Arranged A-Z, it contains entries for standard grammatical terms as well as dealing with related questions of usage.
In addition to explaining basic terms such as 'split infinitive', 'participle', and 'adverb', entries also discuss whether to use 'may' or 'might', 'that' or 'which', and 'it's' or 'its'. The Oxford A-Z of Grammar and Punctuation gives the reader quick and easy access to the answers to these, and many other, questions of grammar. It offers clear and coherent explanations, and illustrations across a broad range of topics, and is the first port of call for any reader seeking clear, authoritative help with grammar and punctuation.

Both easy to use and comprehensive, the Oxford A-Z of Grammar and Punctuation is an essential tool for writing at home, in the office, at school, and at college.

  • Sales Rank: #1529264 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-02-22
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  • Number of items: 1
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  • 174 pages

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Selasa, 01 Januari 2019

Free PDF Information Technology Auditing: An Evolving AgendaBy Jagdish Pathak

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Information Technology Auditing: An Evolving AgendaBy Jagdish Pathak

Information Technology Auditing: An Evolving AgendaBy Jagdish Pathak

Information Technology Auditing: An Evolving AgendaBy Jagdish Pathak

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Information Technology Auditing: An Evolving AgendaBy Jagdish Pathak

An evolving agenda of Information Technology Auditing is subject of this book. The author presents various current and future issues in the domain of IT Auditing in both scholarly as well as highly practice-driven manner so as to make those issues clear in the mind of an IT auditor. The aim of the book is not to delve deep on the technologies but the impact of these technologies on practices and procedures of IT auditors. Among the topics are complex integrated information systems, enterprise resource planning, databases, complexities of internal controls, and enterprise application integration - all seen from an auditor's perspective. The book will serve a big purpose of support reference for an auditor dealing with the high-tech environment for the first time, but also for experienced auditors.

  • Sales Rank: #10514034 in Books
  • Published on: 2010-01-14
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .57" w x 6.00" l, .80 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 238 pages

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Information Technology Auditing: An Evolving AgendaBy Jagdish Pathak PDF

Information Technology Auditing: An Evolving AgendaBy Jagdish Pathak PDF
Information Technology Auditing: An Evolving AgendaBy Jagdish Pathak PDF
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